Our Products

TBPSCO in the Egyptian oil& gas market provides high-quality wellheads & X-Mas tree 3k&5kpsi loose system configuration locally produced in its own manufacturing Badr plant, delivery associated services (installation & Maintenance)
Our company is qualified and certified as API-6A, API-Q1, ISO9001/2015, ISO14001/2015, and ISO 45001/2018, which are mandatory and necessary in such fields.

Wellhead Systems


Conventional wellheads are made up by casing head housing, casing spools, a tubing spool and tubing head adapter. They represent the most traditional equipment used to drill and complete a well. Main advantages are in their low cost, simplicity of installation, and adoption of several annular seals from elastomeric type to metal to metal type.

These BREDA ENERGIA surface well control equipments provide the full range of components for any environment in accordance with API 6A/ ISO 10423 std., and NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 std. for sour services.

Standard systems are available from 2000 psi to 15000 psi and all type and sizes of casing programs

Our conventional wellheads are based on the following configurations: BSB, BS, BSHD.


The BSB Wellhead is based upon a bowl design which hosts the BSMB slip-type casing hanger and the annular casing pack-off on indipendent shoulders.
The casing slips assembly is latched around the casing and lowered into the casing head. The annular pack-off is installed over the casing after the slips are set and the casing is cut off.
In addition to the standard BSB secondary packing group a selection of secondary seals and pack-off is available to meet special requirements.

Working Pressure: up to 10000 psi (excluding Tubing Spool)
Temperature Range: -29°C +121°C
Casing Head Housing: type BSB
Casing Head Spools: tupe BSB
Casing Hangers: BSMB slip hanger, BSB mandrel hanger
Tubing Spools and Hangers: all types (see completion section)
Other requirements not covered by this notes are available on request.


The BS Wellhead is based upon a straight bore bowl with a 45° shoulder to support casing loads.

Three configurations of casing slips assemblies are available depending upon application requirements.
The casing slip assembly is latched around the casing and lowered into the casing head after the cementing job.
In addition to the standard type GS secondary packing group a selection of secondary seals and pack-off is available to meet special requirements.

Working pressure: up to 10000psi (excluding tubing spool)
Temperature range: -29°C +121°C
Casing Head Housing: BS, BS-P, BS-A
Casing Head Spools: BS, BS-P, BS-A
Casing Hangers: BS, BS-M, BS-G, slip and seal assemblies
Tubing Spools & Hangers: all types (see completion section)
Other requirements not covered by this notes are available on request.


The BSHD wellhead is based upon a straight bore bowl with a 45° shoulder to support casing loads.
The BSHD bowl is deeper than the BS bowl. Three configurations of casing slips assembies are available depending upon application requirements.
The casing slips assembly is latched around the casing and lowered into the casing head after the cementing job.
In addition to the standard type GS secondary packing group a selection of secondary seals and pack-off is available to meet special requirements.

Working Pressure: up to 15000psi (excluding Tubing Spool)
Temperature Range: -29°C +121°C
Casing Head Housing: BSHD, BSHD-P, BSHD-A
Casing Head Spools: BSHD, BSHD-P, BSHD-A
Casing Hangers: BSHD slip and seal assemblies
Tubing Spools and Hangers: all types (see completion section)

Other requirements not covered by these notes are available on request.


The Split Compact Wellhead incorporates casing head spools and tubing head spool in a body that can be easily split if necessary.


  • Rig time to nipple up BOPs is eliminated, thus shortening the operation time compared to the conventional wellhead system.
  • Casing hangers are self-centralizing.
  • Inventory overheads are lowered by reduction of required components.
  • H2S service is standard on wellhead bodies.
  • Casings are suspended and cut as per conventional wellhead system in case of contingency.
    No internal casing cutter is needed.
  • Quick Lock Connectors allow a drastically reduction of the operation time.

Sizes: 13.5/8″ throguh 21.1/4″
Working Pressure up to 69MPa (10000psi)
Temperature range: -29°C + 121°C (-20°F +250°F)
Top connection: Quick Lock “SL” or Flanged Hub


Compact wellheads main feature is the adoption of a single body for all the drilling phases of the well. This wellhead system eliminates rig time lost to nipple up or down BOPs as with conventional wellhead spools and reduces the total height that results in a significant space and weight savings.

Compact wellheads are available in the “through BOP configuration” to allow the high pressure housing to be run through the BOP stack. In this configuration the compact wellhead adopt the quicklock connector system replacing the API flanged connections.  

BREDA ENERGIA standard compact wellheads are also available in two or three stages for pressure rating of 5000 psi and 10000 psi, with nominal sizes of  11”, 13.5/8”, 18.3/4”, 26.3/4”.


The 13.5/8″ nom. BMC Multistage wellhead system provides a great interchangeability of components to reduce inventory, same Pack-off are used for each stage.
The BMC Housing has a vertical bore with a single landing shoulder to suspend the required casing hangers and the tubing hanger.
In case of contingency a 5″ or 5.1/2″ casing can be installed in place of Tubing hanger by a mandrel hanger or a slip hanger.
Each annulus is selead by a pack-off provided with elastomeric seals which is locked inside the BMC housing by a snap ring.
Each annulus is provided with two studded outlets 2.1/16″ rated at the wp of the BMC Housing, internally threaded for VRP.
A contingency system for casing suspension and annulus sealing is available.
The BMC Housing OD allows installation through Diverter/BOP and riser system.

Main features

  • BMC Compact Wellhead body can be run through BOP/drilling riser system.
  • Casing hangers are self-centralizing.
  • Snap Ring prevents any individual string movement due to thermal growth or expansion.
  • Reduces inventory overhead by reduction of required components.
  • H2S services is standard on wellhead bodies.
  • Quick Lock Connectors allow a drastically reduction of the operation time.

Sizes: 13.5/8″ through 21.1/4″
Working Pressure up to 69MPa (10000psi)
Temperature range -29°C +121°C (-20°F +250°F)
Top connection: Quick Lock “SL” of Flanged Hub


The BC2 Compact Wellhead offers a reduced installation time while improving operation safety.
It is avoided the need to nipple up BOPs every time a casing string is run, thus shortening the operation time when compared to the conventional wellhead system.
By combining several conventional spools into one, the BSU Compact Wellhead reduces height and weight with saving in costs of the platform structure.
The BC2 Compact Wellhead system is a three-step through BOP stack design.
It is suitable for 20″, 18.5/8″, 13.3/8″ surface casing.

Main features

  • BC2 Compact Wellhead body can be run through BOP/drilling riser system, oriented, landed and sealed inside a Starting Head.
  • Rig time to nipple up or down BOPs is eliminated shortening the operation time compared with the conventional wellhead system.
  • Casing hangers are self-centralizing.
  • Lock Down Screws prevent any individual string movement fue to theraml growth or expansion.
  • Reduces inventory overhead by reduction of required components.
  • H2S service is standard on wellhead bodies.

Sizes: 13.5/8″ through 20.3/4″
Working Pressure up to 69MPa (10000psi)
Temperature range -29°C +121°C (-20°F +250°F)
Top connection: quick lock “SL” or “FH”


Main design features

  • Reduced wellhead height
  • Wellhead capability to accept both a “heavy” casing program or a “light” casing program
  • Large sized Tubing Hanger add flexibility to completion design
  • Tree installation/removal is not required for work over operations
  • Security/safety during work over operations is improved as handling of heavy tree is avoided. BOP installation and test operations are performed without separating the tree
  • Work over operational time is reduced
  • Wells gathered in clusters make positioning of drilling and work over rigs easier and quicker
  • Work over rig operation on a well while other wells are producing
  • The entire wellhead/horizontal tree can be installed below ground level, thus enabling to reduce environmental impact
  • Simplified layouts for manifold and pipelines reduce fixed costs.

Sizes: 13.5/8″ through 20.3/4″
Working Pressure up to 69MPa (10000psi)
Temperature range -29°C +121°C (-20°F +250°F)
Secondary seals: “GS”, “P”, “GSP”
Top Connection: Quick Lock, Flanged Hub, Flanged
Tubing Hangers: Single or Double Completion

Hanger and by “BS” style Casing Slips in contingency mode.

Lock nut to prevent thermal elongation of casing strings.

Type “D” metal seal used on mandrel casing hanger extended neck or on casing stub, operating at 15000 psi w.p.

Tubing hanger annulus seal with independent metal seal pack off system.

Tubing hanger with extended neck and metal to metal seal.

Continuous control line exit block privided on tubing spool side outlet.

Solid block type X-mas tree with actuated wire cutting master valve.

Optional features

  • Slip Lock connector Casing Head Housing
  • Quick Lock connectors for wellhead spools
  • Staight bore cylindrical metal seal for production tubing

Tbg spool Nom flange: 13.5/8″
Working Pressure up to 103MPa (15000 psi)
Temperature range -29°C +177°C (-20°F + 350°F)


The well completion system includes the tubing spool, tubing hanger and wellhead adapter with relevant Xmas tree.  The configuration of the completion depend upon the specific customer request. However main configurations are:

  • Single tubing completion
  • Dual tubing completion
  • Single or dual tubing completion for subsurface safety valve.
  • Single or dual tubing completion for Electrical Submersible Pump.
  • Intelligent completion for downhole  equipment control
  • Horizontal tree.

Sealing technology.

Together with the most used elastomeric seals, metal seals for critical service applications are available for tubing hanger and production casing . Metal seals carrier BSD is energized during Tubing Head Adapter make up, while CLS carrier is energized by radial interference in a straight bore. Both seals are field proven and are manufactured in alloys to withstand high corrosive medium, and significant bending loads. These products are available in a large size range. The Casing metal meal is based on type D which does not required to machine the casing stub for sealing. 

BREDA ENERGIA is engaged with development of completion systems for  high pressure, high temperature and corrosion environments, particularly sour gas and gas condensate.

Services Temperature ranges from -60°C to 232°C

Working Pressures up to 15000 psi. 


The single tubing string is run and set just on top of the productive zone to protect the production casing from the flowing medium.

Tubing Hanger

Available Tubing Hanger Sealing systems:

  • Body Seal: Elastomeric, Metal Seal
  • Production bore: Elastomeric, Metal Seal
  • Control Line: Elastomeric, Metal Seal, Continuous type
  • E.S.P.

Tubing Hanger features

  • API UP tBG lifting threads or premium threads in request
  • API UP TBG suspension threads as per customer needs.
  • Mandrel type control line or continuous control line preparation.
  • Breda type TSB BPV profile or others on request.
  • ESP feed-tru profile as requested.

Tbg. spool Nom. Flg. Size 7.1/16″ – 13.5/8″
Working Pressures up to 103.5MPa (15000psi)
Temperature class -29°C +121°C
Material Trim: AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF-HH


This wellhead completion consists of two tubing strings and it is the most used in fields where two mineralized layers are present. It allows the simultaneous indipendent production from each tubing.

Dual Tubing Hanger

It suspends two tubing strings in Tubing Head Spool by means of tubing threads provided on bottom.
Dual Tubing Hanger types include:

  • Dual Mandrel Tubing Hanger
  • Split Half Segmented Dual Tubing Hanger
  • Solid Block Dual Tubing Hanger

Dual Tubing Hanger features

  • API UP TBG lifting threads or premium threads on request
  • API UP TBG suspension threads as per customer needs
  • Mandrel type control line preparation
  • Breda type TSB BPV profile or others on request
  • Elastomeric or metal to metal seal between hanger neck and production bore

Tbg. spool Nom. Size 7.1/16″ – 13.5/8″
Working Pressure up to 69MPa (10000psi)
Temperature class -29°C +121°C
Material Trim: AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF-HH

ESP feed-tru completion systems

A variety of wellhead configurations can be supplied to meet specific electrical submersible pump (ESP) applications.
ESP completion features include:

  • Interface capabilities with ESP penetrator as per customer request
  • SCSSV Control line passage and exit valve block
  • Tailor made for Standard Wellhead, Compact Wellhead and Horizontal Tree
  • Adoption of integral swivel type tubing head adapter depending upon the required orientation system


This system is rated up to 20000 psi w.p. and it is practically unaffected by well fluid composition and high temperature. It is the most used solution when two metallic barriers between the well stram and production annulus are requested. The sealing system is based one Tubing Hanger body metal seal ring and on one or more upper metal seal ring/s on hanger extended neck.

Tubing Head Spool

The lower connection internal profile is designed to accept the production casing secondary seal that can be elastomeric seal or metal seal type.
The Tubing Head Spool can be provided with a Lock Nut to prevent thermal elongation of casing string.
An indipendent 45° shoulder is machined for Tubing Hanger suspension while another tapered surface is provided for T.H. annulus metal seal.

Tubing Hanger

The Tubing Hanger is machined from a solid bar with the extended neck prepared to accept two upper metal seal rings sealing Control Line passage and production bore.
The Tubing Hanger body annulus Metal Seal is energized by tubung weight and pressure load while metal seal on extended neck is energized by Tubing Head Adapter make up.
Annulus Metal Seal can be pressure tested before removing BOP. Tubing Hanger Running Tool provides down hole safety valve control during installation

Tbg. spool Nom. Flg. Size 7.1/16″ – 13.5/8″
Working Pressure up to 138MPa (20000psi)
Temperature class -29°C +121°C
Material Trim: AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF-HH


These are a new generation of well completions which include permanent data acquisition, flow management and systems integration to deliver remote flow control without well intervention.
A variety of wellheads can be supplied to meet specifice Intelligent Well Completion Technology.

  • Interface capabilities with ESP wellhead feed through connector types.
  • Interface capabilities with IWT electro/hydraulic instrumentation lines.
  • SCSSV continuous control line passage and exit valve block.
  • Standard Christmas Tree configuration.
  • Horizontal Production Tree configuration.

Tbg. spool Nom. Flg. Size 9″ – 13.5/8″
Working Pressure up to 69MPa (10000psi)
Temperature class -29°C + 121°C
Material Trim: AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF-HH


API 6D & 6A

                                  API 6D Sizes: 2” up to 64”
                                  API 6A Sizes: 1.13/16” up to 9”
                                  API 6D Pressure Range: ASME 150-2500
                                  API 6A Pressure Range: API 2000-20000


        • SE = Trunnion Mounted, Side-Entry ( Split Body ) two or three pieces bolted construction ball valves wich simplifies field service & maintenance
        • TE = Trunnion Mounted, Top-Entry, bolted bonnet construction ball valves wich simplifies field service & maintenance without remove on the line
        • SW = Trunnion Mounted, Side-Entry, Welded Body construction ball valves.

SE  (SE1/SE2)    Side Entry Split Body
SW (SW1/SW2)  Side Entry Welded Body
TE  (TE1/TE2)     Top Entry Bolted Bonnet


Special design

Double Block & Bleed ( DBB – Side Entry TWIN Body )
High temperature


Side Entry Split Body

ON/OFF service valve, Trunnion mounted-supported, Side-Entry ( Split-body) two or three pieces bolted constructions, floating seats energized by springs, Full or Reduced bore, Bi-Directional.

Top Entry Bolted Bonnet

ON/OFF service valve, Trunnion mounted-supported, Top-Entry, cast body, one piece bolted-bonnet constructions, floating seats energized by springs, Full or Reduced bore, Bi-Directional.

Side Entry Welded Body

ON/OFF service valve, Trunnion mounted-supported, Side-Entry two or three pieces fully welded constructions, floating seats energized by springs, Full or Reduced bore, Bi-Directional.

Special Designs

We Assist our Customers in the selection of the most
appropriated technical solution
Valve & actuator applications

Trunnion-Mounted Ball Valve API 6D & 6A


SE = Trunnion Mounted, Side-Entry (Split Body) two or three pieces bolted construction ball Valves

TE = Trunnion Mounted, Top-Entry, bolted bonnet construction ball valves

SW = Trunnion Mounted, Welded Body construction ball valves


Special service conditions
Low Temperature
Subsea installation
Underground installation
High Temperature
D.B.B. – Twin Valves

Supplementary requirements
High Pressure H2/N Gas test
Fugitive Emission Gas Test
Advanced Wear & Corrosion Resistant Coating
Special Gaskets Solution For Very Aggressive Medium
Fire Proof



                                  API 6D Sizes: 1/2” up to 24”
                                  API 6A Sizes: 1.13/16” up to 7.1/16”
                                  API 6D Pressure Range: ASME 150-2500
                                  API 6A Pressure Range: API 2000-15000

      • Positive Choke ( BCP ) : Positive Choke BCP type, is designed for maximum performance under critical condition. Typical application includes wellheads and well testing, manifolds process facilities and other demanding services.
      • Needle  type (BCN) : Adjustable Choke BCN type, is designed for high performance in critical applications such as gas well high pressure drops, abrasive flow and corrosive conditions. Typical applications include wellheads and well testing, manifolds, heaters, critical service.
      • Cage type (BCC) : Control Choke BCC type, is designed to provide precise flow control throughout its entire operating range. These choke valves are with cage and external sleeve trim design and are suitable for single or multiphase liquid and gas service.Typical applications include Christmas trees, manifold, water injection and gas lift. The standard flow characteristic is equal percentage, but we can supply also the linear characteristic upon request.
        These valves can be easily converted from manual to actuated valves using an adapter flange and BREDA ENERGIA stepping actuator.
      • Rotary type (BCR) : Control Choke BCR type, is designed to provide precise flow control throughout its entire operating range. The throttling mechanism astonishes for its simplicity. Two circular discs of hardened material. Each disc has a pair of precise orifices placed in such a manner that when one disc is fixed in the valve body, the other may be rotated through 90° to expose all or part of the orifice’s flow area. This system also insures a tight shut-off when the orifices of one disc are covered by the blank portions of the other

Cage Central Chokes


The Cage Control Choke type BCC is designed to provide precise flow control throughout its entire operating range. This choke has a cage and an external sleeve trim and is suitable for single or multiphase liquid and gas service.
Typical applications include Christmas trees, manifold, water injection and gas lift. The standard flow characteristic is equal percentage, but upon request can be supplied also the linear characteristic. These valves can be easily converted from manual to actuated valves using an adapter flange and BREDA ENERGIA stepping actuator.

Design Code :
API 6A / ISO 10423

Standard features:
The Cage with external sleeve design configuration directs flow through various sized ports opposite one another, forcing the flow to impinge upon itself within the nozzle, thus dissipating the fluid energy onto itself. With this design the
turbulence and jetting are dissipated before flow enters the outlet, thus eliminating the typical problem of wear in the choke outlet. The Cage is the hardest component of the valve and typically is made from various grades of tungsten carbide. However, for less severe applications, other materials are available.

Option features:
Multistage Trim
Metal to Metal Bonnet Seal
Stem Locking Assembly

BREDA ENERGIA is able to issue upon request other technical solutions not listed in this catalogue. Years of experience in products for distribution of oil & gas allow BREDA ENERGIA to supply products tailored to customer’s specifications.

Adjustable Needle Chokes


The BREDA ENERGIA Adjustable Choke type BCN is designed for high performance in critical applications such as gas well high pressure drops, abrasive flow and corrosive conditions. The choke has an externally controlled variable-area orifice coupled with an orifice-area indicating mechanism.
Typical application include wellheads and well testing, manifolds, heaters, critical service.

Design Code:
API 6A / ISO 10423

Breda Energia is able to issue on request other technical solutions not listed in this catalogue. Years of experience in products for distribution of oil & gas allow Breda Energia to supply products tailored to customer’s specifications.

Positive Chokes


The BREDA ENERGIA Positive Choke type BCP is designed for maximum performance under critical condition. Positive chokes accommodate replaceable
parts having fixed orifice dimensions (flow beans). Typical application includes wellheads and well testing, manifolds process facilities and other demanding services.

Design Code:
API 6A / ISO 10423.

Option features:
Conversion to needle valve (adjustable choke).

Rotary Control Chokes


The BREDA ENERGIA Rotary Control Choke type BCR, is designed to provide precise flow control throughout its entire operating range. The throttling mechanism made up by two circulars discs of hardened material astounds for its simplicity. Each disc has a pair of precise orifices placed in such a manner that when one disc is fixed in the valve body, the other may be rotated through 90° to expose all or part of the orifice’s flow area. This system also insures a tight shut-off when the orifices of one disc are covered by the blank portions of the other.

Design Code :
API 6A / ISO 10423

Option features:
Metal to Metal Bonnet Seal
Stem Locking Assembly 

Through Conduit
   API 6D & 6A

                                  API 6D Sizes: 2” up to 64”
                                  API 6A Sizes: 1.13/16” up to 9”
                                  API 6D Pressure Range: ASME 150-2500
                                  API 6A Pressure Range: API 2000-20000


        • Slab gate  = Through conduit, slab gate, Bi-directional, Floating seal, Bolted Bonnet, Rising & Non Rising stem, cast or forged body, high & low pressure
        • Expanding gate = Through conduit, parallel expanding gate, Bi-directional, Double Block & Bleed, Bolted Bonnet, Rising &  Non Rising stem, cast or forged body, high & low pressure

BGA  ( slab gate low pressure )
SDS  ( slab gate high pressure )   
MSA  ( expanding gate )

MSD ( expanding gate )
BGW (slab gate welded body)                   
BGC (slab gate cast body)


Special design


Slab Gate Valves – BGA Type

ON/OFF service valve, through-conduit, forged Bodies, slab gate, floating seal.
Non Rising stem, bolted bonnet constructions, floating seats.
BGA valves features single spring-loaded, pressure energize, elastomeric seal or non elastomeric lip seals; these seals assist in low pressure sealing and protect against contaminants.
Valve can be supplied with BREDA hydraulic or pneumatic actuators type BHA / BHS or BPA

Slab Gate Valves – SDS Type

ON/OFF service valve, through-conduit, forged Bodies, slab gate, floating seats. Non Rising stem, bolted bonnet constructions, self relieving seats. SDS valves features dual spring-loaded, pressure energize, non elastomeric lip seals; these seals assist in low pressure sealing and protect against contaminants.
Valve can be supplied with BREDA hydraulic or pneumatic actuators type BHA or BPA

Expanding Gate Valves – MSA Type

ON/OFF service valve, Through-conduit, forged body and bolted bonnet constructions as a parallel expanding gate with simultaneous tight sealing on both seats. Upstream and downstream seal is merely provided by mechanical action caused by gate expansion and is not affected by fluctuations or vibration of the flow. Gate expansion against the seats in either open or close position, also allows a very long integrity of sealing surface as well as valve stem by isolating the valve body from flow.

Expanding Gate Valves – MSD Type

ON/OFF service valve, Through-conduit, Expanding gate design, Rising stem Cast or Forged body, bolted bonnet constructions, Full or Reduced bore, Bi-Directional.

Slab Gate Valves – BGW Type

ON/OFF service valve, Through-conduit, Floating seal, Rising stem Fabricated body, bolted bonnet constructions, floating seats energized by springs, Full or Reduced bore, Self relieving seat, Bi-Directional.

Slab Gate Valves – BGC Type

ON/OFF service valve, Through-conduit, Floating seal, Rising stem Cast body, bolted bonnet constructions, floating seats energized by springs, Full or Reduced bore, Self relieving seat, Bi-Directional.

Special Designs

We support our

Assists its Customers in the selection of the
most appropriated technical solution
Valve & actuator applications


Through-Conduit Gate Valve
API 6D & 6A

Slab Gate valves & Expanding Gate valves




Special service conditions
Low Temperature
Subsea installation
Underground installation
High Temperature
D.B.B. – Twin Valves

Supplementary requirements
High Pressure H2/N Gas test
Fugitive Emission Gas Test
Advanced Wear & Corrosion Resistant Coating
Special Gaskets Solution For Very Aggressive Medium
Fire Proof


BREDA ENERGIA Pressure Balanced Plug Valves are designed for a long service life.
Plug and body have tapered surfaces lapped for precise seat mating.
Plug pressure is balanced by two holes connecting the plug port to the lower
and upper chamber avoiding the possibility of plug locking.
The plug and stem are separated pieces to allow the plug to float by pressure
Pressure Balanced Plug Valves are ON/OFF service valves, reduced bore,
An efficient lubrication system allows a perfect grease distribution preventing
corrosion, optimizing the sealing and providing a smooth operation.

Design Code:
According to API 6D specification.

Standard features:
Emergency Sealant Grease injection on stem
Emergency Sealant Grease injection on Plug
Fire safe design according to API 6FA – API 607 – BS 6755 Part.2
Triple stem seals
Antistatic device
Anti-blowout stem

Option features:
Stem extension for buried installation design.

Additional Products



  • Hydraulic, pneumatic and electric fail close on double acting design
Isolation of manifolds and flow lines
Xmas trees
Design Code:API 6A / ISO 10423


  • Hydraulic and electric fail close on double acting design
Isolation of manifolds and flow lines
Xmas trees
Water depth:3000 m.
Design Code:API 17D / ISO 13628

Direct Hydraulic Actuator


The BREDA ENERGIA BHA-DA, Double Acting Hydraulic Actuators are designed for Gate valves manufactured in accordance with API 6A and API 6D specs.
These actuators can be installed on gate valves used in a variety of applications such as manifold, wire line raisers, processing industries.

Design code:
According to API 6A specification.

Option features:
Limit switches
Manual override
Quick exhaust valve
Manual Pump to open or close the valve

The version BHA-DA-WC is the version with wire line cutting capability, to shear the 0,108” wire line, 7/32” braided line or coil tubing.
The BHA DA type and BHA DA-WC type are interchangeable on the same valve.

Fail Close Hydraulic Actuators


BREDA ENERGIA BHA Hydraulic Surface Safety Actuators are designed for through conduit gate valves installed on Xmas-Three, production manifolds pipe lines and processing industries.
Type BHA actuators are designed and built to the industry’s highest standards, delivering, simplicity, durability and easy maintenance and can replace the Breda Pneumatic Actuator type BPA in case of needs.

Design Code:
According to API 6A specification.

Option features:
Limit switches
Manual override
Heat sensitive lock open device
Quick exhaust valve + block and bleed manual valve
Hydraulic opener

The version BHA-WC has wire line cutting capability, to shear the 0,108” wire line, 7/32” braided line or coil tubing, the BHA type and BHA-WC type are interchangeable.

Pnuematic Actuators


BREDA ENERGIA BPA Pneumatic Actuators are ideal for both wellhead surface safety valves and blow down valves.
These actuators can be installed on a variety of gate valves manufactured in accordance with API 6A and API 6D specs.
Type BPA actuators are designed and built to the industry’s highest standards, delivering, simplicity, durability and easy maintenance and can replace the Breda Hydraulic Actuator type BHA in case of needs.

Design Code:
According to API 6A specification.

Option features:
Limit switches
Manual override
Hydraulic opener
Heat sensitive lock open
Quick exhaust valve + block and bleed manual valve


BREDA ENERGIA offers design, engineering, manufacturing and testing of packaged systems, all tailor-made to meet specific client requirements.

Our packages are delivered as one ready-for-use unit and can be rapidly installed on job site.

Modularization of process packages allows easy installation, start-up and commissioning:

  • Reduction of time required for fabricating the unit directly at site.
  • Manufacturing of various skids & modules on several production lines or in different locations.
  • Weight reduction of the installable components by breaking it down into lighter parts.


Production Equipment

  • Production, injection & test manifolds

Pipeline Terminal Equipment

  • Metering
  • Analyzer
  • Launching/receiving pig traps

Utility Skids

  • Water treatment/ filtration units
  • Pipe valve skids
  • Pressure reducing skids
  • Pumping skids
  • Utility gas skids
  • Instrument skids

Chemical & Additive Skids

  • Chemical injection skids

HIPPS (High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems)


Telemetry (Wellheads Wireless Data Acquisition & Remote Control)

Offshore and Subsea

SIV Systems

  • Protection structures
  • Safety isolation valves
  • Control systems
  • TUTUs, SUTUs, Umbilicals

PipeLine End Manifolds (PLEMs)

  • Protection structures
  • Temporary Pig Launcher & Receivers

Top Side Equipment

  • Manifolds
  • Injection packages
  • Metering systems

HIPPS (High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems)


BREDA ENERGIA with its highly skilled & experienced team of engineers is qualified to design, supply and install electro-hydraulic & pneumatic units.


Oil & Gas Industry

        • Automatic Emergency Shutdown System for single & multiple wells
        • Actuator mounted & self contained ESD system
        • Control panels for Xmas-trees actuated valves
        • Customized hydraulic & pneumatic system
        • Control panel for actuation of subsea valves


Industrial applications

        • Hydraulic test fixtures for valves & pumps up to 30000 psi
        • Hydraulic & pneumatic system for plants automation
        • High pressure lube system for turbo-machinery and compressors
        • Hydraulic system to control milling operation of steel stapes and plates